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Lourdes Hill College
Y10 Geography
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Humanities: Y10 Geography
History, Geography, Middle School Humanties
General History
General Geography
Y7 History
Y8 History
Y9 History
Y10 History
Y10 Geography
11/12 Ancient History
11/12 Modern History
11/12 Geography
11/12 SCS
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Database access - LHC STUDENTS
Database access - LHC TEACHERS
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Issues in the World
How to use...
Coastal Management
Gold Coast Beach Nourishment Project
Coastal protection structures - Gold Coast
Protecting our environment - Gold Coast
Human Wellbeing
Happiness, well-being and human development: The case for subjective measures
Human Development Index (HDI)
Human Development Index (HDI) - Our World in Data
Human Development Report - Australia
Human Development Report - Education index
Human Development Report - Income index
International Human Development Indicators
Well-being and beyond GDP
Ecological Hazards
20 Facts About Ocean Pollution: Conserve Energy Future
The Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS)
Coastal and marine pollution: Australian Government
Marine pollution: WWF Australia
Marine pollution data - Queensland
Ocean Pollution: The Dirty Facts
Plastic and how it affects our oceans
War on Waste: From waste to resource (Digibook)
World Health Organisation - Ebola virus disease
World Health Organisation - HIV/AIDS
World Health Organisation - Malaria
World Health Organisation - SARS
Natural Hazards
Catalyst: Predicting earthquakes
Cyclones: What you should do if disaster threatens
The Science of Earthquakes - 5 minute ABC video
Plate Tectonics - The Geological Society
Plate Tectonics - Britannica
Surviving Cyclones: Preparation and Safety Procedures
Tectonics - Latest research and news
Tectonic Plates - Distribution
Tropical Cyclones - Bureau of Meteorology
Types of disasters
Types of disasters - Brisbane City Council
eBook - Natural disasters : their impact and how we can respond
This book shows the impact of natural disasters on humans, animals and the environment, and demonstrates ways to cope with them and to minimize their effects.
Y10 History
11/12 Ancient History >>