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eBook: Faiths, Religions, Beliefs in Modern AustraliaThis book encompasses all the faiths, religions and beliefs present in modern Australia, telling the story of their development and detailing the belief systems. All Christian denominations are included, as are the various segments of the other major religions.
eBook: The illustrated Bible : story by storyFocusing on archaeological discoveries as well as historical and religious documentation, this guide provides profiles of key figures and describes every major covenant, prophecy, miracle, and parable in the Bible.
eBook: Immigrant and Refugee InjusticeImmigrants and refugees often face bias and discrimination when coming to a new country. This is called immigrant and refugee injustice. This book covers the history of immigrant and refugee injustice, key moments in fighting it, and what can be done to end it in the future.
eBook: Immigration, refugees, and the fight for a better lifeThroughout history and into the modern day, people have moved from place to place to flee danger and seek out better lives. But immigrants and refugees often meet harsh realities on their journeys. This book discusses immigration and refugee resettlement within the United States and throughout the world, and covers both historical and recent large migrations, the challenges of life in a new country, and how activists fight for immigrants' and refugees' rights.
eBook: Human RightsReaders will evaluate whether certain countries or cultures are falling short on human rights, including the European Unions, Bangladesh, Tibet, Israel, America, and China. They will read about whether certain policies are effective or failing in places like Britain, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Korea. Treatment of women and children is also explored in places such as Haiti and Saudi Arabia.
eBook: Human rights in focus: Human traffickingGlobally, millions of people live in modern day slavery. Men, women, and children across the world are subject to forced labor and sexual exploitation at the hands of human traffickers. The challenges human trafficking victims face, the efforts to eradicate this crime, and how to assist victims are discussed.
eBook: Human Trafficking and SlaveryThe global trade of trafficking men, women and children into the sex industry and labour markets has been the subject of growing public and international concern. Select OPEN FILE on left of page and download PDF of the book.
eBook: Modern Slavery: a Reference HandbookThis reference work provides a thorough treatment of the evolving scope, nature, and contexts of modern slavery and a discussion of prevention and abolition efforts in an accessible format for high school and college readers.
eBook: Workers' RightsReaders will examine labor regulations worldwide, in countries such as Brazil, India, Greece, and the United States. Topics covered include unions and collective bargaining, issues related to workplace discrimination in selected countries and regions such as Asia and Nigeria, and the use of migrant and slave labor.
eBook: DiscriminationReaders will learn about discrimination in such cultures and places as Senegal, Australia, India, Botswana, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Germany, Yemen, France, and Pakistan.
eBook: Racial and Cultural IntoleranceRacial and Cultural Intolerance explores the history behind these problems, the effects of these issues on society, and ongoing efforts toward preventing racial and cultural intolerance.
eBook: Child labourThis book tackles the myths and misunderstandings surrounding child labour and explains the international labour standards and approaches aimed at eventually eliminating the exploitation of children. The book also measures global progress in reducing child exploitation, including the role of Australian companies and consumers in ensuring the goods they produce and purchase meet minimum age standards. Child labour is everyone's business.